School concert: Spielvereinigung Sued


The 19-member team dedicates itself with great joy and enthusiasm to interpretations from the traditional jazz orchestra literature as well as its own contemporary arrangements and compositions. Sound diversity paired with musical precision and energy regularly ensure a sold-out house - Laura Wasniewski (voc), Judith Kellner (sax), Friederike Bartel (sax), Simon Bodensiek (cl, sax), Lukas Diller (sax), Johannes Moritz (cl, sax), Antonia Hausmann (pos), Alma Trunk (pos), Stephan Krause (pos), Andreas Uhlemann (pos), Matthias Büttner (pos), Jannicke Hagen (tr), Konrad Schreiter (tr), Patrick Schanze (tr), Max Diller, tr), Luke Strange (tr), Olga Reznichenko (p), Philipp Scholz (dr), Paula Wünsch (kb) - VKK: 4,00 €, remaining tickets at Musikalienhandlung M. Oelsner