Presale for the opening evening of the 48th Leipzig Jazz Days begins!

Presale opening evening
Presale opening evening

The international stars Michael Wollny & Joachim Kühn and Cécile McLorin Salvant will be guests at the Opera House on the first festival evening of this year (19.10.2024)! Advance ticket sales start on June 20 at 12:00 noon!

Michael Wollny & Joachim Kühn 

Joachim Kühn, who turned 80 in March, was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit First Class this year. Free improvisation is "the meaning of life" for him, the Leipzig-born musician has repeatedly emphasized. Last year, he received the German Jazz Award for his life's work together with his brother Rolf Kühn, who had died shortly before. The two brothers were closely linked artistically throughout their lives.

Joachim Kühn's musical uncompromisingness unites him with Leipzig pianist Michael Wollny, who is 34 years his junior. At the beginning of the year, the two pianists released their new album, simply titled "Duo". Jazzthing described the underlying live recordings as "a concert of the century - sensual, deeply felt, virtuoso".

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Cécile McLorin Salvant

Cécile McLorin Salvant is probably the smartest and most talented storyteller in US jazz today. Born in Florida in 1989, she has Haitian-French-Guadeloupean roots. She has three Grammys in her pocket before her 30th birthday.

Trumpeter Wynton Marsalis says of her: "A singer like this only comes along once every few generations", the Guardian calls her a "jazz genius" and the FAZ raves: "When Salvant's voice leaps effortlessly through the octaves, the heavens open up." 

More about the concert...

October 19, 2024, Leipzig Opera, start: 19:30 

Tickets are available at all CTS advance booking offices and online.

There is also a limited number of early bird festival passes up for grabs again in August. The regular advance sale for all concerts of the 48th Leipziger Jazztage starts on 17.9. More info soon. 

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