Jazz calendar #311

Let's Talk about jazz ... and new chapters.

When May turns into June, when the blossoming of the trees is already not so new, when the skin has already got used to the sun rays tickling on it and the eyes have got used to the new green in the city, spring has become summer. A small but subtle and extremely important change. More life again more outside. More music again everywhere.
Spring is going, summer is coming. And always where we find something new, we also find something that ends. An old chapter closes, a new one begins.

Jazz calendar June
Jazz calendar June

And so with this (my first) editorial, I join Esther's last. Those who held the May jazz calendar in their hands have already read it. Esther is opening a new chapter in Cologne. And I am here - in Leipzig, at the Jazzclub. A little hello from me, my name is Jil and I am now taking over the editorial and press work at Jazzclub Leipzig. But let's rather talk about what this paper is really about: JAZZ in June.

After public life and events had to start slowly in the last few months, the MusikZeit was finally able to catch up in May, which realized three concerts of a special kind at various venues in Leipzig. And by now at the latest, we should all have realized that something is happening again! Music indoors, music outdoors - wherever you prefer to listen - concerts and festivals can feel "normal" again. 

And June? It's going one better, because this month is all about Jazzclub Live concerts and festivals from various organizers! As a jazz lover, you can hardly save yourself this month from terrific festival line-ups and concert dates. At the latest at this point you should now pull out the red pen, put on the reading glasses and write a few dates boldly in the calendar.

In Leipzig you can listen to the release concert of the new album of the Florian Hoefner Trio, how Hoefner processes his experiences during the pandemic shockdown in original compositions.

The five musicians of Jonas Timm MORBU release their debut album after two years of band existence under the direction of the Leipzig pianist Jonas Timm and the 14 musicians* of Trash & Post-Chaotic Music show you that their band name is about more than just letters strung together, but that there is a whole style of music behind it. But June also has a lot to offer with the potentiale, the South Tyrol Jazz Festival and the MJUZIK Festival. 

So get your tickets, get out into the jazz summer!

See you soon,

Your Jazzclub Team