
© Maxi Pongratz

Mystical, spiritual, radical - the undiscovered psychedelic movement of the 60s & 70s in Sweden. A DJ set.

As part of our cooperation with Sphere Radio Leipzig, Simon Clement presents a multi-faceted DJ set as esclé. Inspired by the Swedish psychedelic scene of the 60s and 70s, he takes us on a journey through near and far landscapes. Influences of folkloric music traditions, nature, spirituality and modern techniques, - the integration of synthesizers in the production of psychedelic rock, jazz and folk was still in its infancy, - incorporated into the music, - shaped this time and create a spherical sound. Sound carpets and varied rhythms let the sceneries change. If you close your eyes, you can even ride across barren steppes and breathe the scent of earth and straw turned grain. Esclé's passionate search for unknown music and new sounds is only one part of his musical work, - under the name møn he also produces his own.

The concert will also be available to listen to live online on Sphere Radio.

Free admission, donations requested.

  • Text: Jazzclub Leipzig e.V.