On your marks, get set, apply now!

This call goes out to everyone who is under 30 years old: From now until March 31, 2023 you can apply for the Jazz Young Talent Award.
Since 1997, the city of Leipzig has awarded the Leipzig Jazz Newcomer Prize, sponsored by the Marion Ermer Foundation. The prize supports talented young musicians who are musically diverse in the field of jazz and are expected to develop artistically. The prize is endowed with 6,500 euros and supports the city of Leipzig's efforts to further develop this musical genre.
The competition is open to individuals and ensembles who are not older than 30 years of age by December 31, 2024 (date of birth from January 1, 1994) and who live in Leipzig or in the districts of North Saxony or Leipzig. In the case of ensemble applications, all members must be under 30 years of age. The City of Leipzig and the Marion Ermer Foundation value diversity and therefore welcome all applications regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic and social origin, religion/belief, disability, sexual orientation and identity.
Applications can be submitted from now until March 31, 2024 , preferably by e-mail to jazznachwuchspreis@leipzig.de or by post to the Cultural Office of the City of Leipzig, 04092 Leipzig (postal address) .
The following application documents should preferably be submitted as text files (PDF):
- Jazz music work sample(s) (as online links, e.g. Soundcloud, Youtube)
- Details of artistic career with curriculum vitae in tabular form (Curriculum Vitae)
- Description of jazz music projects (artist statement)
We wish you all much success - see you at the 48th Leipziger Jazztage!
More information can be found here.