The harvest

Fri, 16.10. Kunstkraftwerk 20:00
"Who sows wind, will reap storm" - Music with and in protest!
Four jazz musicians dedicate themselves to a repertoire of the 20th century which in many cases was the harvest of their (crisis) time: Resistance songs, workers' songs, partisan songs and fight songs against fascism. The harvest plays true to the motto "Who sows wind, will reap storm" - music with and in protest. Without lyrics, but with great joy of playing and everything that jazz has to offer for this: Improvisation, unpredictability, energy, transcendence and a trace of melancholy.
Benjamin Weidekamp - alto saxophone, clarinet, Uli Kempendorff - tenor saxophone, clarinet, Kaspar von Grünigen - double bass, Heinrich Köbberling - percussion 
VVK 16/23 € plus fee, AK 23/30 €