+++ CANCELLED+++ Rainald Brederling Quintett

Rainald Brederling Quintet
Rainald Brederling Quintet
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VVK: 11/8 € plus fee
AK: 14/11 €

+++ Due to health reasons we unfortunately have to cancel the concert. We will inform you as soon as we have found an alternative date. +++
The Rainald Brederling Quintett formed over cookies and coffee in Weimar in the summer of 2018 and has been searching for itself ever since. Or rather, for Rainald. Because he has disappeared - and has been for some time.

No one has yet been able to find out where he has gone, but the four remaining musicians from Weimar, Leipzig and Mainz are carrying on with the music anyway - luckily for us all! The music of the Rainald Brederling Quintet is diverse and political. With their first studio album "Angry Voicemail to E.A." (2022), they made a plea for a future world without gender traditions, deforestation, waste and the smell of gasoline. With vocals, piano, double bass and drums, the quintet strives for song appropriateness and melodiousness, breaks with band role clichés, shows virtuosity and always remains up-to-date. This concert is definitely a must-see!