17th Women in Jazz Festival "New Jazz Now

Melanie Charles © Meredith Traux
Halle (Saale), Dessau, Magdeburg & Saale District

Creative FrauenPower from April 29 to May 15 at the Halle Jazz Spring!

The magic of female jazz can be experienced in an exemplary way throughout Europe. With an independent festival spirit, tradition and innovative departure are in harmony, this time with a special focus on younger female musicians. In any case, jazz is a renewal-oriented form of music that always remains young, open to reflecting on other styles and cultures.

The spirit of the pandemically conditioned virtual competition "Next Generation" of the last two years is not only taken up in the prize winners' concert of the winged classically trained Johanna Summer. Even before that, Leipzig's Olga Reznichenko shows how piano can sound neutonous between piano and forte. The 2021 winner Fiona Grond from Switzerland enchants with guitar and saxophone accompanied vocals.

Big names include Danish singer Cæcilie Norby in duo with one of Europe's leading double bassists Lars Danielsson. Barbara Dennerlein unrestrainedly digs into the keys of her Hammond B3. Concert evenings in the Händelhalle unite the Nigerian-British saxophonist Camilla George with hypnotizing Afrofuturistic hip hop jazz and the Canadian singer on the Clarion trumpet Bria Skonberg as well as the singer and flutist Melanie Charles from Brooklyn deeply rooted in jazz, soul and R&B, the Scandinavian sounding singing pianist Anna Gréta and last but not least Monika Herzig's souper group SHEroes. 

Further concerts and a varied supporting program with workshops, jazz picnic and jazz service indicate a coherent festival that deserves appeal!

Melanie Charles "Tiny Desk (Home) Concert"
  • Text: Steffen Pohle