"Session West" Opener Band: Chirping Machine feat. Joanna Duda

Tweeting machine ©Lukas Diller
New Play Leipzig

Accompanied by Polish pianist and composer Joanna Duda, Mark Weschenfelder's eight-piece ensemble opens the sixth edition of "SESSION WEST". A cooperation with LeipJAZZig e.V.

The band is named after Paul Klee's 1922 painting "The Chirping Machine". It features highly complex compositions by Weschenfelder and presents a musical style that he jokingly calls "Sophisticated Elevator Music". Weschenfelder's ingenious compositions flirt with noise and chaos and branch out smoothly, cozily and almost quietly. "System for Us", the band's debut album, was released by WhyPlayJazz in 2019. "Looping", the second album, is already in the starting blocks and will be released late this year on the Austrian label Boomslang Records. 

After the concert the stage is free: we would like to invite musicians to participate in the session!

Admission free, donations requested