Jazz for children "Jazzalala

Jazz for kids - Munterfel


VVK: 9/7 €
AK: 11/8 €

The "Jazz for Kids" goes into a new round! This year in the program: A young Leipzig line-up (also known as Munterfel) meets the international festival guests Huguette Tolinga and Julian Sartorius!

Huguette comes from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Julian from Switzerland. Together they have shown that they can drum very well - just like Aline, the drummer from Leipzig. But there are other instruments playing as well: Leo plays double bass and Laurenz keyboard. In addition, Ida sings and Freya dances.

Especially for the Leipzig Jazz Days they think up a completely new program together, which has never been performed before and is still a bit secret. What we can already reveal: It's about a strange radio that plays music that somehow sounds different than usual. Together we will ask ourselves what actually makes a sound music. And you can join in, too! 

We cordially invite you to spend the Sunday afternoon with us in the old walls of the Spinnerei and to listen eagerly to what the musicians have prepared for us.

As always, it will be exciting for young and old: parents, uncles, aunts, siblings, friends and neighbors can also be brought along!

Suitable for children between 4 and 10 years.
