Jazzkalender October-Jazzkalender

From the editorial of Jazzkalender issue 256, which as always is available in full here '''
Do you know that feeling? You go to the attic and at first you can't see through all the stuff from the past. Finally you open an old suitcase, rummage around in it a bit, discover this and that, forget about time and everything around you. And suddenly you realize that you are flying around with the suitcase and that a jazz band is playing! And to top it all off, you've fallen in love with the princess!
Shortly before we finish the new Jazzkalender , LU:V and the Gewandhaus Children's Choir will perform the film "The Suitcase" live in the pre-concert of the 39th Leipzig Jazz Days. The audience follows the moving images and the moving music - and the anticipation of 10 days of "Cinematic Jazz" grows and grows. Live soundtracks, film music jazz, concerts with live visualizations and head cinema concerts: it's going to be a party!
Michael Wollny and Eric Schaefer will be scoring the horror classic "Nosferatu" with Norway's oldest ensemble, French double bassist Renaud García-Fons will be scoring the fairytale "Adventures of Prince Achmed" and saxophonist Basti Wehle will be scoring two animated films by Schwarwel. Maciej Fortuna returns to the Jazztage stage with a Krzysztof Penderecki project. Philipp Rohmer works on Ennio Morricone pieces, the New York quartet Sex Mob combines James Bond melodies with Nino Rota's music for Fellini films such as "8 1/2". The great Nils Petter Molvær brings visual artist Tord Knudsen to the Schauspielhaus, and Johanna Borchert and Omer Klein also play with a band and live images. In their film concert, the artists' collective shortfilmlivemusic deals with guest labor and migration in the GDR. Klima Kallima takes Aki Kaurismaeki into the world of rock jazz. Great cinema at the Leipzig Jazz Days!

Reaching into your inner popcorn bag: your Jazzkalender editorial team
PS: We didn't invite Brad Mehldau to the movies, but to a solo concert at St. Thomas Church. Because you only turn 1000 once and we won't get together that young again!
PPS: There will be no respite after the Jazz Days - at Jazzclub Live we present Melanoia, i.e. Dejan Terzic, Haryden Chisholm, Ronny Graupe and the recent Mangelsdorff Prize winner Achim Kaufmann.