Jazz calendar 250th jazz calendar

... can be found as always in the Jazz Calendar, your faithful companion for jazz and other music. Not at all "as always" is the anniversary to be celebrated this time. But read for yourself, ladies and gentlemen:
What we want with the jazz calendar - one thing is for sure not: to enrich the almost unmanageable German press forest by one more triviality. But rather. Short and precise monthly information about important Leipzig jazz dates. No more and no less.
That's what the first Jazzkalender said in January 1992 and today, as we hold the 250th issue in our hands, we realize: As much as the Jazzclub Leipzig as publisher as well as the jazz landscape in general have changed, so much has the Jazzkalender changed, but the basic idea for our little magazine has always remained the same. To show what is happening here and to draw attention to what the (free) scene is always up to.
Of course, in such a long time many people are involved in such a project, and we would like to thank them all very much. But the fact that the Jazzkalender has actually been around for over 23 years is closely connected to one person: Steffen Pohle has been running it all by himself for years, and he still supports us intensively (he wrote the texts for the Kurt Weill Festival and the WARED Trio). When recently one of the younger members of the club enthusiastically told us that Louis Armstrong must have played in Leipzig once, Steffen immediately knew how much he had paid for the ticket back then (1965!)... Steffen, we say many, many thanks!
A word about February: This time we span the arc from the young Trio.Diktion (2.3.) to Flo Kästner's Berlin Calling Combo (8.3.) to exceptional trombonist Nils Wogram, who comes to the Telegraph with Nostalgia (29.3.).
We hope you enjoy reading the new jazz calendar and quote once again from number 1: Failure is not foreseen.

Your Jazz Calendar Editorial Team