Open house
The Musikschule Neue Musik Leipzig invites all interested parties, students, parents and friends to an open day at Eisenacher Straße 72. Teachers of all subject groups are available to visitors for trial lessons. For example, anyone who has always wanted to try out the electric guitar, violin or trumpet will have plenty of opportunity to do so between 2:00 and 6:00 pm.
A special highlight is the performance of "Wort.Klang". As part of this project, music students between the ages of 14 and 19 engaged in the creation process of a self-composed and arranged piece of music up to the complete CD recording. While the CD recordings of the Wort.Klanglers are almost finished these days, they will also present their songs on the stage in the store on Saturday afternoon.
Parents with younger children will have the opportunity to try out early musical education and make musical instruments. In addition to the musical feast for the ears and the artistic activities, there will of course be coffee and cake, grilled and chilled food, and plenty of time and opportunity to talk to each other. Starting at 5 p.m., there will also be an air guitar competition.