LeipJAZZig concert series: LOOM & THREAD + Gellért Szabo's Ideal Orchestra
The trio "LOOM & THREAD" turns the classic line-up of the piano trio into their own version of contemporary jazz. Daniel Klein on drums and Tobi Fröhlich on bass create multi-layered sound levels with constant leaps in rhythm and dynamics, complemented by complex improvisations, which are expanded by Tom Schneider on piano and sampler with self-recorded samples: the band calls this innovative concept "metaimprovisation".
Géllert Szabó also pursues a unique approach with his 20-piece "Ideal Orchestra". The ensemble, drawn from Leipzig's avant-garde music scene, combines late-romantic and progressive sounds, as well as composed and improvised elements, to create an exceptional acoustic experience. Szabó has complete command of the orchestra's dynamics: a lift of his hand lets the musicians weave a dreamy tapestry of sound, a wave of the baton and everything explodes. For the LeipJAZZig concert series, they present a new program that includes arrangements of Brahms' "Ein deutsches Requiem". - Loom & Thread: Daniel Klein (dr), Tobias Fröhlich (db), Tom Schneider (p)/ Géllert Szabó's Ideal Orchestra: Alejandro Barria (clo), Friederike Bartel (sax), Myrsini Bekakou (v), Nora Benamara (voc), Lorenz Bergler (bcl), Maximilian Bischofberger (voc), Johannes Bode (perc), Johannes Buttlar (perc), Madeline Cain (voc), Rebecca Chammas (voc), Stephan Deller (db), Georg Demel (tb), Gustav Geissler (sax), Felix Kothe (perc), Gregor Littke (tb), Benjamin Mahns-Mardy (voc), Ronja Sophie Putz (v), Philipp Reinsch (tub), Susanne Stock (Acc), Gellért Szabó (comp) - VVK 18/14 €, AK 20/16 €