Der Elegante Rest & Eduard Neufeld Quintett (Jazzclub Live double concert)

Jazzclub Live double concert at the naTo: The Elegante Rest shares the stage with the quintet of saxophonist Eduard Neufeld.
Der Elegante Rest wishes "All the best" on its new album of the same name: after a six-year creative break, it contains twelve songs without frills, which once again manage to translate the intricate, sometimes complicated life into light-footed music.
50 years ago this would have been called singer-songwriter music, 30 years ago indie pop. Today, however, one term sounds antiquated, the other arbitrary - and therefore very different from the sound of the quartet, which is timeless in the best sense of the word. This, in turn, is what connects the songs of D.E.R. frontman Jörg Wolschina - with all due modesty - with the poetic songwriting of Bob Dylan or Sven Regener.
The band will share the stage that evening with saxophonist Eduard Neufeld's quintet. His pieces alternate between jazz, pop, fusion and classical elements. Despite the stylistic eclecticism, the catchy character of his melodies is a recognizable common thread, as is the sparkling joy of playing with which the five-piece formation performs its pieces.
And as if all this wasn't enough reason to celebrate, the singer and guitarist of the Viennese band Das Trojanische Pferd, Hubert Weinheimer, will open the concert evening as a special guest with a 30-minute solo set.
Cast The Elegant Rest:
Daniel Dexter (kb, voc)
Tim Kleinsorge (b)
Andreas Schwaiger (dr, voc)
Jörg Wolschina (voc, git)
Instrumentation Eduard Neufeld Quintett:
Ben Holfeld (b)
Marvin Müller (git)
Eduard Neufeld (sax)
Jonas Funk (kb)
Lucas Rauch (dr)
Special Guest:
Hubert Weinheimer (git, voc)